Cymatic Therapy 101

Cymatic Therapy 101


Welcome to the fascinating world of sound therapy and cymatic therapy!

In this ebook, we explore how the power of sound can help us achieve optimal health and wellness. If you're new to sound therapy, don't worry - we start with the basics and explain what it is and how it works.

We then dive deeper into the different types of sound therapy tools and frequencies that can be used to target specific body parts and ailments. Whether you're looking to balance your chakras, address common health issues, or simply relax and de-stress, there's a sound therapy technique that's right for you.

Throughout the ebook, we discuss the 12 TCM meridians, the body parts they are associated with, and the common ailments that can be linked to them. You'll learn how cymatic therapy can be used to clear blockages and restore balance to these energy pathways.

We also explore how sound can affect brain states and the different brain states we experience. From alpha to gamma waves, you'll discover how sound can influence your mood, focus, and overall well-being.

Whether you're a seasoned sound therapist or just starting your journey towards holistic health, this ebook is the perfect guide to help you harness the power of sound and achieve ultimate wellness.



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Hei Bianca – great e-book really good information and easy to innerstand. My android arrived and this week was the first time using it with my work. I have a question – are there any contra-indications that has been researched or that you have experienced in using cymatics and how much is too much in your opinion. Thank you very much


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Pamela Boykins

I would love to have access to this book

Pamela Boykins

Very Interested

Yolanda Wesley



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